Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Sunday Morning Worship Experience

I’ve been to many churches in my lifetime. There are two things that irritate me the most: that is, the Offering part of the service and the Pastor’s excessive personal ramblings. I mean no disrespect.
Now, first to the sensitive people out there, I don’t have a problem with giving offering, I just have a problem with the actual part of a church service.
You see, when we go to church, I think that it should be to worship God and to hear the word of God. Although offering is a service in itself, I don’t think it should be a part of Sunday Morning Service. Think of all the people that will be visiting for the day. They’ve all had a bad week and want to just escape to the church for those moments of relief and just to be uplifted.
So they walk into the place of worship and hear the choir singing and suddenly that burden began to be lifted and the spirit is flowing and you can feel it. Then the conductor says, we want to continue this worship but we have to stop and get ready for the word of God. The conductor then invites us all in the state of giving where he or she in most cases today (even though women should not be leading services, my belief’s and I stand by them). Anyway, they sometimes sing a ridiculous offering song or just introduce the Pastor who then reminds us why we give our tithes and offering.
It takes so long sometimes, depending on the church and it’s not necessary. Then, there’s a parade around the offering table like we’re at some fashion show where everyone walks around and present their monies…………..Then, there’s the churches that actually have deacons that count the monies right in front of everyone, and we just sit there, until the Pastor begs for more money, because he has a quota for the day.
My God, my God, it’s taking so much away from the service.
Listen people, all this time, we could have continued in worship or the Pastor could be up preaching by now.
It’s time for us to reconsider the order of service, don’t you think? Well, I think so. I believe that you should have your ushers hand out the envelope, have an insert in the programs that say we deposit our tithes and offering in our designated tithes and offering box at the end of service as you are leaving out. You could even have an usher stand by the box to remind people to deposit tithes and offering there as they are exiting the church. Who says it must be apart of the Sunday Morning Worship experience?

The other thing that annoys me about Sunday Morning service is the announcements and acknowledgements. Come on guys, this can be done on a more appropriate night or because of social media, make a big fancy flyer to send to everyone by email announcing these accomplishments and announcements.

Have you ever considered how much time is wasted in church listening to the Pastor go on and on about his travels and his interests; sometimes, I look at the faces of the visitors to see what expressions they have. Mostly, you see irritation on their faces, or just a bored stare.

These acknowledgements and rewards and flattery, please leave that for some type of appreciation night: giving a shout out to this sister and this brother and this mother and how about Sis. Toochacoot got another degree. Please, why can’t we send an email in a church newsletter acknowledging every one that needs acknowledgement? Also in the paper include birthdays and anniversaries and bible readings and of course announcements. It takes so much away from service. Doesn’t anyone get that?

On Sunday mornings, when visitors and saints, mind you, come to church, we want to be encouraged, uplifted, we want to feel blessed by the service.
I think it puts a damper on what the spirit can accomplish in a service when there are so many formalities allowed.
I would love to see the day when we walk into service and there is just worship and the word of God.
All of these other things can be avoided in service; and I dare say, need to be.

I’m just saying!!!

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