Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Will of God...Thank You Hezekiah

"We must Accept, what God allows, and we must never try to tell Him how, to order our lives; He has a plan in mind. His will is Good, and its Acceptable, and its Perfect. To all my brother's and sisters in Christ, I bid you good day, and hang in there. Just know, He has a plan in mind: it really is the will of God.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"How's It Gonna Be, When You Don't Know Me Any More?"

How will it be, when God say’s I never knew you? Have you ever thought about that? You’ve been a faithful member at church. You sang on the choir and paid your tithes. You are the one they all count on to go out and participate in the outreach ministries. (The one’s everyone have time for, once or twice a year.)
But, our life living wasn’t up to par, as they say.
I have become increasingly aware that a lot of us, not only live from paycheck to paycheck, but we live from moment to moment, building and living our lives just like the rest of the world. We plan our days and live our moments as if we are going to be here forever.
I have no problem with people who plan; I have no problem with people having schedules.
My concern is not-planning to work in the God’s vineyard, his army. My concern is the lack that some of God’s people are enduring in the church, because there are not enough of HIS people working. There shouldn’t be any lack in the ‘Church’: not when God has so many soldiers.
I can’t tell the difference anymore between the Godly and Un-Godly. Just wearing a skirt doesn’t distinguish anymore, not that it ever did.
Both groups go to church and participate in church activities. Both groups participate in the outreach ministries.
We go to clubs that have no Christian affiliation. We listen to music and watch TV shows that is suggestive of sin or sinful nature.
We follow social media and spend so much time doing it; time that we could be devoting to God or a ministry.
I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t use Facebook, I’m suggesting that instead of 5 hours on Facebook, why not decrease it to 2 and give the other three to Ministry. Calling someone to spread the Love of God, going to visit someone that’s sick or shut in. What about spending hours on our knees crying out before God for those that are lost, for the world, for our families.
I was under the impression that we are suppose to be working, ‘….while it is day.’
I know I, for one, am in desperate need of day-to-day help. But, what does it say about the church world, when I and so many other people are in desperate need of various kinds of help, but going without?
We are talking about GOD’S ARMY!!!
How dare we take so much time to Play! There’s so much work to be done, and yet, because of the lack a lot of people have in their lives from needed service, it makes you wonder, who’s working in God’s army?
You very rarely mistake a soldier in Uncle Sam’s Army from a civilian. I know a lot of women in the Army. When you see them, they walk with more confidence than most women. They very rarely seem lazy. They aren’t often seen looking frazzled. They mostly are full of energy, and they are the one’s you always see working at something.
I think our FATHER, OUR ‘DI’ (Drill Instructor), would love it, if our characteristics were representative of a real soldier. In addition to displaying the characteristics of a good soldier, we should also display good Works.
Maybe we should take this day to contemplate if we are working for God at all. Are we fulfilling the works that God desired of us?
There is so much more that need to be done than getting baptized and tarrying for the Holy Ghost.
It’s time for all of us to work…………certainly me; because, I never want to here, “…I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:23, KJV)

Friday, November 25, 2011


I almost cried on Thanksgiving Day, because I had to spend it alone. I thought of my kids being with my family, and my home was filled with void.
I almost cried on Thanksgiving Day, contemplating how I could be surrounded by family, but not one to physically touch; I’m a distant memory, I’m a ghost, I’m a gesture, I’m a hunch.
How dare you stand a few feet from me, you who I call family, eating and drinking and making merriment, while I wait for the patter of my little feet; the feet I birthed into this world; the one’s that you host so sweet; but, how could you possibly smile in their face, and not think or give regard to me. Home alone for hours all day awaiting their return, you call yourself my family, but you forget about me every year as if you don’t know my name. Is it like a memory loss, or a conscious disregard? Would it be so difficult to include me? Would it be stressful, would it be hard?
I almost cried on Thanksgiving Day, but then, I remembered why, we celebrate this day; it’s not about them, or you or I. Its to recognize how good God is, and how thankful we should be you see; the world may need this holiday, but I don’t because I thank HIM daily.

I almost cried on Thanksgiving Day………..but I DIDN’T!
Thank You Lord for One More Day.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The 'WORD' for the Day

1 Corinthians 15:58 (King James Version)
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


In his first sermon, the late Elder George Ladson, Jr. urged the congregation to begin each morning with, "Thank you Lord for one more Day". I believe I was around 16 when he first preached that sermon; it has become a part of my everyday life since hearing it. With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday quickly approaching, I thought, what better way to kick off this season of thanks than to make 'Thanksgiving' an everyday habit. "Thank You Jesus for One More Day."

Rest in Peace Elder Ladson!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The WORD for the day......Love.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
King James Version (KJV)

4) Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

5)Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

6)Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

7)Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

8)Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Father, My God

I have a cousin that I talk to once in a while. What I love about our conversations is that we both bring so much to the table of interest, its never boring. Last week, he said something to me that totally was amazing and profound. It’s what Oprah would call an ‘Ah-Ha’ moment.

We were talking about trusting in God: about how natural trusting in God should be. What was compelling is the analogy he used. He asked me if when I was younger, living under my father’s roof, was I ever concerned about provisions being met for me? I said no. He asked me why not? I said, because he was my father and that’s what father’s are suppose to do, provide for them; so, I didn’t wander if we would have a place to live or food to eat, because my father’s job is to provide. Now, also considering that my father is an Alcoholic, and has been in and out of recovery all my life. (Right now he’s fallen off the wagon again, so please pray God’s perfect will be done in his life.)

Anyway, my cousin made the point to me, so you could trust your natural father without doubt, even though he had his issues, but you can’t trust the ‘Almighty God’, our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the World, not just you and me. Do you mean you trust your natural father more than God, your Heavenly Father, who left word that promised to supply all your needs?

I laughed. At first, I said, “OOH, That stings.” It was an I-opener for me.
When we say we trust God, it should be…………………..instinct, second nature. It should be like my typing this message right now. This wonderful typing teacher named, Mrs. Lovett from Alcorn Middle School, taught me how to type. (Shout out to Alcorn) Mrs. Lovett taught me to type so well, that I don’t have to look at the keys, I instinctively touch the keys I need to form my words.

That’s exactly how trusting in the Almighty God, Our Father should be: ‘Instinct’.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Michael Jackson's, Man In the Mirror

I woke up about 4:30 a.m. this morning with Michael Jackson’s song, ‘Man In the Mirror’ just ringing in my ear. I got up to go to AZ Lyrics to download the words. I believe the message I’m suppose to convey today is in the lyrics to this song. Throughout the challenges I’ve endured in my body, there’s one thing that’s been intriguing me the most and that is, if I’m suffering this much and going without sufficient help every week, then what’s happening to those that are worst off than me?

Now this is just to target some of the church community. We are going about on our jobs and going to church, sometimes out of town, while there are members in your church struggling. You would rather travel 100 mile’s away to a church, give them an offering of $500 to represent your church and make you look good. But what about the faithful members in your church that are asking for help, that $500 could have gone to help them. Don’t you know that if you take care of your family, that’ll make the bond at home stronger? Therefore growing your family at home so you can leave some at home to minister and some can travel to represent. Some people wonder why they keep losing members, one reason is because you have faithful members there for years and when tragedy strikes in their family, the church that they attend (not God’s church) is not there for them. I’m done. Please take a minute and read through some of the lyrics to Michael Jackson’s, ‘Man in the Mirror.’ Have a blessed day.

Man In the Mirror: I’m gonna make a change, for once in my life, its gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference, gonna make it right. As I turn up the collar on my favorite winter coat, this wind is blowin my mind, I see the kids in the street with not enough to eat. Who am I, to be blind? Pretending not to see their needs. A summer’s disregard, a broken bottle top and a one man’s soul they follow each other on. The wind ya know, ‘cause they got nowhere to go, that’s why I want you to know…
I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways, and no message could have been any clearer, if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change.
I’ve been a victim of a selfish kind of love, its time that I realize that there are some with no home, not a nickel to loan. Could it be really me, pretending that they’re not alone? A willow deeply scarred, somebody’s broken heart. And a washed-out dream they follow the pattern of the wind, ya see. Cause they got no place to be.
That’s why I’m starting with the man in the mirror……….

There’s so much lack in the church world, in the world, what are we doing about it. What will you do?
What will I do?

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that statement over the past 5 years. Apparently, when you are handicapped and/or need help, you are not allowed to convey to those who come to help you your preferences. If you do, you are then labeled ungrateful, unthankful, difficult, and too demanding.
SHAME ON YOU! How dare you say to any person in need, “beggars can’t be choosers?”
I am so glad that I’m saved!!!
I had to put that in there just now because I wanted to say something else.

I never thought that the day would ever come when I would say that I am handicapped, but I am. However, I also never thought the day would come that if I were handicapped, I would be treated like useless matter.

What’s wrong with saying, you know I prefer that you wash the clothes and let the first load dry almost completely before washing another load. That way, the other load sitting in the washer won’t lose its freshness. That’s not such a tall order considering my washer and dryer is about 20 years old and still kicking, but, it’s kicking slowly. It usually takes 3 runs in the dryer before a full load is finished. So, if you put another load to wash in the washing machine at the start of the 3rd drying load, then both the 3rd drying load and the wash will end about the same time. Is that such a demanding request?

Also, when you come to help someone and they ask you to please wash your hands before you fix food for the family, and to wash your hands before unloading the clean dishes from the dishwasher, what’s the problem? Why must one be labeled an obsessive-compulsive person?

I’ll answer all of those questions with this profound statement, “THEY DON’T WON’T TO BE THERE.”

When you go to help someone, handicapped or whatever the case may be, if you don’t want to help them ‘WHOLE-HEARTEDLY’, then do us all a favor and don’t come.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve gone to retrieve a cup or dish from the cupboard after my help has left, and couldn’t find it. Why, because when someone does not render the service of help with a whole heart, then they don’t give good service, period. Whether something should go here or there is irrelevant. When you put up someone’s dishes and you don’t care about putting that plastic cup in a cupboard filled with glasses, its just like saying to the recipient, you are not important enough to me for the correct placement of your dishes to matter. It should matter. It should.

We ask for help because we need the help, but, if you don’t want to serve as a proud soldier would, then don’t.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

B3 Blessing - God's Stimulus Package -

Now this is truly how we should celebrate each other. This is how God's true family should be. May God bless you richly in everything girl, according to HIS perfect will. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Sunday Morning Worship Experience

I’ve been to many churches in my lifetime. There are two things that irritate me the most: that is, the Offering part of the service and the Pastor’s excessive personal ramblings. I mean no disrespect.
Now, first to the sensitive people out there, I don’t have a problem with giving offering, I just have a problem with the actual part of a church service.
You see, when we go to church, I think that it should be to worship God and to hear the word of God. Although offering is a service in itself, I don’t think it should be a part of Sunday Morning Service. Think of all the people that will be visiting for the day. They’ve all had a bad week and want to just escape to the church for those moments of relief and just to be uplifted.
So they walk into the place of worship and hear the choir singing and suddenly that burden began to be lifted and the spirit is flowing and you can feel it. Then the conductor says, we want to continue this worship but we have to stop and get ready for the word of God. The conductor then invites us all in the state of giving where he or she in most cases today (even though women should not be leading services, my belief’s and I stand by them). Anyway, they sometimes sing a ridiculous offering song or just introduce the Pastor who then reminds us why we give our tithes and offering.
It takes so long sometimes, depending on the church and it’s not necessary. Then, there’s a parade around the offering table like we’re at some fashion show where everyone walks around and present their monies…………..Then, there’s the churches that actually have deacons that count the monies right in front of everyone, and we just sit there, until the Pastor begs for more money, because he has a quota for the day.
My God, my God, it’s taking so much away from the service.
Listen people, all this time, we could have continued in worship or the Pastor could be up preaching by now.
It’s time for us to reconsider the order of service, don’t you think? Well, I think so. I believe that you should have your ushers hand out the envelope, have an insert in the programs that say we deposit our tithes and offering in our designated tithes and offering box at the end of service as you are leaving out. You could even have an usher stand by the box to remind people to deposit tithes and offering there as they are exiting the church. Who says it must be apart of the Sunday Morning Worship experience?

The other thing that annoys me about Sunday Morning service is the announcements and acknowledgements. Come on guys, this can be done on a more appropriate night or because of social media, make a big fancy flyer to send to everyone by email announcing these accomplishments and announcements.

Have you ever considered how much time is wasted in church listening to the Pastor go on and on about his travels and his interests; sometimes, I look at the faces of the visitors to see what expressions they have. Mostly, you see irritation on their faces, or just a bored stare.

These acknowledgements and rewards and flattery, please leave that for some type of appreciation night: giving a shout out to this sister and this brother and this mother and how about Sis. Toochacoot got another degree. Please, why can’t we send an email in a church newsletter acknowledging every one that needs acknowledgement? Also in the paper include birthdays and anniversaries and bible readings and of course announcements. It takes so much away from service. Doesn’t anyone get that?

On Sunday mornings, when visitors and saints, mind you, come to church, we want to be encouraged, uplifted, we want to feel blessed by the service.
I think it puts a damper on what the spirit can accomplish in a service when there are so many formalities allowed.
I would love to see the day when we walk into service and there is just worship and the word of God.
All of these other things can be avoided in service; and I dare say, need to be.

I’m just saying!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Psalms 3 with a Byron Cage Twist

Lord how are they increased that trouble me! Many there be that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, there's no hope for him in God. But thou, O Lord, are a shield for me; my glory, you lift my head. But thou, O Lord, are a shield for me; my glory, the Lifter up of my head.

I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill. I laid me down and I slept, I awaked for the Lord sustained me. But thou, O Lord, are a shield for me; my glory, you lift my head. But thou, O Lord, are a shield for me; my glory, the Lifter up of my head.

I will not be afraid of ten thousand of people, that set themselves against me round about; but thou, Oh Lord, are a shield for me, My Glory, You're the Lifter Up of my head.

Thank You God For Lifting My Head.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I’ve been on this spiritual journey for a long time. I finally spoke to God, our Father and asked HIM for something unusual. As I live my life, I can sense that these trials and tribulations are just tests to train me for what’s coming next.

One of the things that has me perplexed of late, is why did God give us the HOLYGHOST? We all know what we’ve been taught in the past about having power to withstand the wickedness of the enemy. But, is that why we need ‘All Power’ of the Almighty God?

You see, I’m exploring what else could we possibly need the Holy Ghost for. My husband provoked a thought in me many years ago. He asked me, “If God was to take the Holy Ghost out of the world, would you miss it? Are you utilizing the Holy Ghost in a manner that it would really be missed in your life?

I’m telling you, I have been so provoked by that question. So I spoke with our Father about it. What if, in this present world, there is going to be something overwhelming, astounding, astonishing; something that would leave the world flabbergasted to happen, that will demand the Power of the Almighty God to diffuse the event. Then, I would understand the need for us to have such a great POWER. But to have that Great Power just to help us live right or to speak in tongues, well let’s just leave it as, I wonder.

So, if there is a possibility of such an occurrence before God comes back for us, shouldn’t we be………………

Hmm, I don’t know how to intelligently ask that question other than that, but it is worth asking, don’t you think?

Think about it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Cry for Help

I had a scare a couple of nights ago with my daughter, Elysia. As a child I suffered severe nosebleeds. Paper towels didn’t work; I would soak large body towels full of blood. Unfortunately, my kids have been having a few nosebleeds of their own. Elysia’s nosebleed normally would not alarm me, I’m a closet doctor, and I love the ministry of medicine. But, on this particular night, I could tell that the flow of the blood was more assertive than I was comfortable with. Since I live alone and am handicap, I knew I needed to make a move quickly, especially before my extended family goes to bed. I reached out to my brother to get him to assist my son in getting my scooter in the van. I don’t have a mobility van, so my 8-year-old son has to try and get a 250 lb. Scooter in a regular mini van by himself. On this night, my son was nervous because he’d never seen blood rush out of someone’s nose that fast before. Anyway, my brother came to help us get the scooter in. My sister Vicki, who is mostly there for me, met us at the Emergency Room. We ended up being there for almost 4 hours. They managed to stop the bleeding; however, there was a stubborn blood vessel that wouldn’t close I guess you could say. They ended up cauterizing her nose; I guess in laymen’s terms, it’s the equivalent of applying a sealant to a hole. I need everyone who views this page to look around, listen in on conversations and help me find a mobility van. I’m going to keep on looking and asking so I can find one. I don’t want this burden on my 8-year-old son.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Feelings of a Child

My 7-year-old daughter Elysia was having a conversation with my 8 year old
son Jeffrey about how she misses her father living with her, especially at night.
She wants Him to be there in the morning as well as at night. “Is Daddy
coming home tonight mom?” I said, no Lisa Daddy doesn’t live here
anymore. There was more Conversation, but what made it really sad for me,
is when my son said, “Mommy, if Dad doesn’t come back to live with us, I’m
going to feel like I’m split in two.” I felt so sad for him. I told him that we all have to continue to pray for his dad, that God will change his heart. God has blessed him with a talent that is ‘Heavenly’ and the enemy wants to take it all away. The enemy is out to destroy the home first; we must continue to pray daily and let God fight the battles. Their father says that he hasn’t left them because he still participates in their life and comes to see them and he still pays the bills; so, that’s enough. It’s enough for him, apparently, but not for his kids.
Please invite your male brother, cousin, or friend to read this and know,
even if you still see your kids regularly and buy them things, its no substitute for

being there, none at all.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The 'WORD' for the day

Romans 15:1 (KJV)

"We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

Rick and Dad