Friday, December 30, 2011

Will You Hug an Addict Today?

We are his people, the sheep of his pastures. What does that statement mean to you? To me, it sounds very special. We often walk around like we don’t have any other duties in this present world. Why? Because we’ve been baptized in Jesus name and we’ve received the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as the spirit gave utterance. Now we are happy in Jesus, Hallelujah, we are going to heaven; we can just sit here until Jesus comes.
But…. we are not done. Now is when the ‘real’ work begins. My topic focus today is about the way some churches treat addicts, recovering and present.
I don’t think that most addicts want to actually be addicts. There is an unfortunate thing that happens when you try a drug for the first time. Especially when you have taken your eyes off Jesus and are in search of something else to fill your void or soothe the pain in your life. The reaction that follows is all about body chemistry. If your body chemistry can’t handle the mix, then you become addicted, it not, you usually walk away because the reaction your body has is so upsetting you say, “I don’t want to try that again.”
For those of us that had a body chemistry blend happen as a result of trying a drug, we become an addict to that drug. I know, I tried a drug one day, to me innocently and instantly became addicted. It was over the counter, other people take it all the time, but the chemistry reaction my body had with the drug, caused a sensation in me that made me zone out. It also put me to sleep for hours. I loved how zoned out from the world I felt. I had kept my problems at bay. Now I wanted it again, immediately because my problem was in my face all the time and I didn’t want to face it, so that drug was the way to fix it. I believe it took me about 5 years to wean myself away from that drug. I thank my God that He delivered me from this drug and my uncomfortable circumstances.
We have so many people hurt in the church-world, and they feel like they can’t turn to anyone, because no one would listen or because the spirits of judgment and ridicule bombarded them. When someone comes to you for help, its time to stop giving them that same old, oh you just need to trust in God, you are struggling because you just want to be rebellious.
Addiction usually happens as a result of a void a person feels, or something very painful that they feel helpless as a result of that pain; not just because they woke up one morning and said, gee I wish I were an addict.
In the church, we have lots of addicts: drug addicts, sexual addicts, food addicts, etc.
How do we treat addicts we know are addicts? For instance, when a saved man or woman of God becomes an addict and gets into trouble, ends up on the wrong side of the law and goes to jail. Do we visit them? Or do we say he got what he deserves. When its time for that person to get out of prison, are a band of brothers and sisters waiting at the gate so they can see the love of Jesus staring them in the face? Or do you here about their release and wonder how long it will be before they get in trouble again.
We are his people, the sheep of His pastures; we need to start representing Jesus Christ more and not our own selves. If Jesus still walked the earth, would he be at that gate when the saved prisoner was released? And if he couldn’t be there as the prisoner is released, He most certainly would be there to see Him later that day, to show Him love and let Him know that He doesn’t have to suffer alone anymore because He had his back. God would be His real friend. Can you imagine the success rate of an addict prospering if He was received as if He did nothing wrong. If the saints rallied around to welcome him home. Holding a feast for him, giving him words of encouragement. Letting him know that you will be there to encourage him. Letting him know that if he needs to talk, you are a phone call away. What a difference it would make in his or her life.
Lets stop pretending that we are perfect. Lets stop judging people when they fall. Lets start receiving a brother that has fallen and appears to want to be reunited with our God, lets treat him as we should; As a brother, in the spirit of love. Lets love on them, a lot. Will you hug and help an addict today?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Should We Have Funerals In Our Churches?

To those of you that are in bereavement at this time, please accept my sincerest condolences.
First, lets be clear again. I’m not writing to offend anyone. I’m trying to get those of us, especially brought up in the ‘Apostolic’ community to look at how we’ve been doing things, and to examine whether or not it is God’s way or whether we’ve succumb to societal customs.
I took the time to do a little research in the bible pertaining to funerals. I could not find one scripture that suggested that they bring their bodies into the temple where they worship. I’ve always read about them burying their dead, in the ground, that’s it. Now I don’t know whether they sang a hymn or prayed over the dead, but I do know, the dead weren’t brought into the temple.
We are the church, the living, soul-filled saints. The church building is our place of worship. Do you agree that this should be a sacred place? A place where all types of people can come to be healed, delivered, blessed, comforted, exalted, and most importantly, Saved.
If our churches are places to worship, why then would we bring soul-less bodies into a sacred temple where we worship the living God?
I would even dare ask, wouldn’t bringing a soul-less body into the house of God, defiling the temple?
I think it’s worth talking about. I think we have been listening to today’s society and mimicking them so long that we have forgotten to come out from among them and be separate. We are supposed to be the examples in the world: yet, we seem to follow their customs more than they follow ours.
Let’s have this conversation guys. Lets discuss whether or not we should bring soul-less bodies into the House Of God.
Now, some of you may be thinking how insensitive it would be not to recognize the dead. Well, that’s why we are taught to give honor where honor is due to those persons while they are alive. You don’t need to bring a dead body inside the House of Worship for that. DO IT NOW!!!
Do it while they can hear you and feel honored, so that when they die, we can take them to the burial ground and properly bury them without all the Hollywood-Societal Grandeur of today’s funerals.
According to the NFDA (National Funeral Directors Association), the average funeral costs from 1960-2009, went from $708 - $6560, for one person. That’s ridiculous. But it’s not about burying the dead is it? It’s about putting on a fantastic funeral show; it’s about sensationalism. It’s allowing society to dictate how much you loved your loved one by how much money you put into burying them. Let’s not keep up with society, lets bury our dead respectfully as they did in the bible days, in the ground, at the burial site, and bless them and praise God they are going to be with our Father.
It’s past time we start being an example in this world. But, that’s just my opinion. What do you think?

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Perfect Gift

The perfect gift is the gift of something that a person loves the most in this world. With that said, yesterday was my Father’s birthday and I wanted to give HIM the perfect gift. It didn’t take but a minute to remember HIS favorite thing. My Father’s favorite thing is praises. He loves being praised, so that’s what I offered to HIM on His birthday. I wanted to present it to HIM in the best package I could afford. So I took the strength of my breath and shouted out loud how wonderful He is. Father you are holy and righteous and wonderful and marvelous and I gave HIM thanks, lots of those. I had to throw in a couple bags of pure worship too. I can’t speak for Father, but I sure enjoyed giving HIM His gifts, it made me feel wonderful in just delivering it. What did you get Father for His Birthday?

Friday, December 23, 2011

This Christmas

It’s been a few days since I last blogged. I’ve heard a lot of chatter about the ‘real’ meaning of Christmas. Since Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, a lot of people have been contemplating whether to hold service on Sunday or cancel, so that their congregation can spend that day with family. After all, Christmas has always been associated in the media as the Holiday that brings families together. We all have visions of a white Christmas, or just a chilly one, where the family comes in and sit around a blazing, warm fireplace, with beautiful red and green decorations all hanging around the house, making it feel even more festive. Can’t you just envision it?
We were taught growing up that JESUS was the reason for the season. We don’t have proof as to his actual birth date, but December 25th is the date that we celebrate Jesus’ birth.
So, this Christmas, I told my kids that we should start a new tradition. I told them that we would no longer open gifts on Christmas day. In fact, I told them that if anyone gave them presents through out this season, they are allowed to open their presents as soon as they receive them. They all seemed to love that idea.
The reason, I expressed changing this worldly tradition is because of the reason for the season, His birth.
I said to my kids to imagine people giving me gifts on their birthday. They told me how ridiculous that would be. Why would I give gifts to anyone else besides the person who’s celebrating their birth? That’s the answer to the perplexing online chatter. We should not only change the gift giving on Christmas-Jesus birthday, but we should flock to the church to give HIM the ultimate seasonal gift…. that is, our praise.
Whenever one of our loved ones has a birthday, we think of giving a gift that they would love. Well, God loves praises.
So, to suggest canceling service on Sunday is Ludicrous! Take your family to church on this day and each of you give God praise. Let the sanctuary fill up with gifts of Praise, Praise and more Praise.
Going to church on Sunday, December 25th, Christmas Day would be the ultimate gift to Jesus Christ.
No birthday should be celebrated more than this Birthday.
So, this Christmas lets start a new tradition of giving to God on Christmas day, as my daughter Elysia says, “with praises to God and worshipping Him.” And in the spirit of giving, lets reach out to those less fortunate….
Exchange your gifts, enjoy your family time, just remember the ‘Real’ reason to celebrate, this Christmas.
Happy Holidays everyone!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Before Talking Get Clear Understanding

(“…and with all thy getting, get understanding.” Prov. 4:7, KJV)

Again, one of the reason’s I write this blog is to convey to the masses, the neglect that I’ve witnessed and endured in the church world that I’ve been associated with. Today I learned that portions of my blog entitled, “Who’s Minding the Store,” was misinterpreted. Lets right this misunderstanding if you will.
My blog was not about one of my sister’s; my blog was about the topic of churches that don’t make provisions for the sick, shut-in and/or the handicapped. It was that conversation or the mention of a topic that provoked my blog…. not being irritated with one of my sisters.
What irritates me is that more attention was given to which sister I was talking about, rather than embracing the weight of my message, which is don’t forget about those in need.
My blogs are also not to bring focus to one particular person. It’s about affecting a nation. Affecting a body of people: the body of Christ.
I would like to invite those of you who started to point the finger at a sister to go back and read that blog again and please see the Truth of the article.
It’s not about me, its not about a sister, its about the entire body of Jesus Christ. There should not be anyone in the body of Christ suffering need when there’s so many of us here in the earth. Let that be your memory or conclusion of that blog and not an empty suspicion.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

the TROUBLE with the TRUTH

Each time a Man of God delivers a sermon to the congregation, you are assured to hear ‘amen’, and ‘go ahead Pastor’ type comments. I often notice, however, that with every sermon, there is a robust following of ‘amen’ and at other times, it settles to almost silence. I assumed that there were certain times in the sermon that the people agreed with the Pastor’s words and at other times they didn’t.
That’s the trouble with the truth. As I live and breath, I have determined that people always respond to the truth either silently or with anger. Why is that? You would think that as a C.O.G (child of God), the truth would be something welcomed as a turning point in your life to reverse a negative direction. But, that’s not what happens. We become the lioness; we pounce on the prey delivering the truth as if the message being delivered is false. The trouble with the Truth is we don’t want to accept that there is something wrong with us.
When you write a blog, you open yourself up to all types of comments. That’s understandable. But lets be clear. I don’t write to intimidate, hurt or deceive. My reason for writing this blog is to bring about awareness to the things that are going on behind the scenes in the church world that I have observed. It is sad what I have witnessed because we are supposed to be the body of Christ. I’m not saying we don’t have flaws; it’s not as simple as that. This is about recognizing that there are problems and humbling ourselves down a little to open the discussion about them, and do something to change it. The trouble with the truth is, its ugly and we don’t want to associate ‘ugly’ with any part of our lives; and we shouldn’t want to. That’s why when someone states something constructive, don’t be so quick to shoot it down, instead take it into consideration, and then make your own judgments.
We are the light of the world, or we should be: so, we should be living with a higher standard, in a manner representing Jesus Christ. Stop being so sensitive when you read things that are uncomfortable for you. If you are uncomfortable, maybe you are guilty of it. In that case, don’t get mad at the messenger, take a look at yourself and change it.
So, I will continue to bring about awareness in the church world. Some things you may concur with, some, you may not. Either way, just know that I’m speaking only the truth of ‘Trouble’.
("...and with all thy getting, get understanding. Prov.4:7, KJV)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Who's Minding the Store?

I don’t know about you, but I was a huge fan of Jerry Lewis in the late 70’s and 80’s. My favorite movie that he starred in is, “Who’s Minding the Store.” Jerry Lewis did every thing he could to be the best employee. Despite his tenacity, eagerness to do his best, he still fumbled miserably. You should check it out; it’ll have you laughing.
I got a text from one of my sisters this morning, telling me that she wouldn’t be able to help me out today. I wasn’t surprised at the news because I’d heard that the church she attends had called an all day shut-in for its members. I cannot begin to convey how heated I got inside at the thought that an entire congregation is going to be shut in for the entire day to pray, meditate, etc. I know you are thinking that a shut in for saints is something that could be beneficial for the church: I take no issue with days of shut in, be it at the church or your house. My issue is, when you are saved for service, someone should be left to actually serve.
I told someone once, with the exception of having a mobility van, I can’t think of anything else I need. That’s how it’s supposed to be. God promised to supply our every need. However, I realized, I do have one very severe lack, that is with help. When you are in need and have to go through social services, you sometimes get asked about family; do you have family in Columbia? Yes. Do they know about your needs? Yes. Are they in a position to help out financially or physically? Yes, some of them are. Then why don’t they? My answer is I don’t know.
My point is this, if you have a membership of 25 in your church, at least 5 of them should be excused from such a sacrifice of the church, to be available to minister to the needs of the remaining body of Christ; the remainder of God’s army, the wounded. It should be something that the Pastor at least should consider.
Who’s minding the store? When you have your shut-ins, and revivals, a women’s day (a joke!), and your men’s day and your special dedication services, and your 24 hr. prayer days and your women’s conferences and your men’s conferences…who’s minding the store?
Who’s actually working in the vineyard, if you’re going to church all the time? I think we are going to church too much, and not working enough. How can all this church going, and sacrifices and prayers and fasting be of any benefit to the body of Christ if only those that are able to come to church are provided for? Jesus, WE WERE SAVED, TO SERVE!!!
I stated it before, if we joined Uncle Sam’s army, we would have to serve in the capacity that the leaders felt necessary, right? What profit would it do this country if our military just walked around in uniforms and gave their allegiances to the flag and honored the presidents, and acknowledged the accomplishments of everyone that was excelling in some capacity? What good would their service be for if when they heard of a threat or war, they simply said, well it’s not a good time for our military because we are having a service to honor our President. It’s not convenient. 5 million soldiers have to be in attendance to honor our Leader! No, that’s preposterous! A good Leader would say, leave some here to protect us, but the remainder of you go and protect the weak, the one’s that can’t fight for themselves.
There is so much lack in the Army of the Lord. Please Pastors, Preachers, Ministers and Teachers, listen, the word of God was centuries ahead of our time, but so relevant for today when it said, “…the harvest, truly is ripe, but the laborers are few.”
I will tell you this, I will never join a church assembly that is comfortable knowing I’m suffering, laying, or dying in the street but steps over me to go to CHURCH!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Beware the First Lady, Pt. 1

Since December 9, 1989, I’ve been constantly following my husband from church to church. My husband is a musician, a pianist. At first he was hired to play for weddings only, then funerals and finally the occasional special service or banquet at churches and other venues.
After several years, a lot of the churches started to contemplate hiring their musicians to play for church services, instead of relying on the “faithful church-going musician who doesn’t need compensation, because his reward will be from God when he goes to heaven.” Laughable!
Anyway, I had become aware that no matter what church our boats docked at for the moment, there began to be this familiar verbal stench in the air, which transcended from house to house. That being…“Beware the First Lady.” The first time I got wind of this phrase, I simply dismissed it as being a character attack of sorts, either based on jealousy of the First Lady or just a habitual gossiping saint. But, as I begin to ease myself into my new surroundings, I realized that it wasn’t just that one member, it began to resonate from several members.
I don’t remember the first year it happened, but I never took it literally. I just listened and was careful not to comment because I was the new kid on the block and the last thing I needed was to become the new gossiping kid on the block. Furthermore, from childhood, I am one of those kids, so to speak, that really did learn to be seen and not heard. I don’t like altercation, so I stayed in the background, no matter which church I attended. It was sort of a safety mechanism of sorts, after having been falsely accused often growing up in the church.
Now, back to the subject of first lady. The one thing that baffled me about the different ‘first ladies’ that I have come in contact with is, why they became such demanding, spoiled diva’s in the first place. Did they think that because of this new role, they have the right to be demanding? Did they think that we are all suppose to abide to their tantrums and reveling? That’s exactly what I witnessed. I didn’t witness a humbled servant, partnering with the Pastor’s vision. No, I saw seemingly position hungry women who wanted to control, manipulate and even frighten the congregation into subjection. Possibly knowing or believing all the while, that no one will have the audacity to challenge her authority because she is, ‘First Lady.’
I was told once, “…don’t ever cross the first lady because she could be your best friend or your worst enemy.” I think that is a very horrible reputation to have as a first lady. Don’t you?
Ok, enough of this; my objective in writing this piece is just to maybe provoke some thought in the heart of the ‘First Lady.’ Listen, just because you have this position of leadership, don’t forget that you are a servant to the people, the members, the congregation. To me, it is your role to help your husband grow a successful, fruitful and happy ministry. I’ve seen so many Pastors state in the church that he doesn’t know why his ministry isn’t growing as it should. He’s delivering the word of God, but his ministry isn’t as fruitful as he would like it to be.
I sit in my seat sometimes screaming within myself, as if trying to telepathically relay the message to the Pastor; “why don’t you try examining the woman in your house!” I wonder do Pastors ever consider that it could be the wife who is hindering the ministry. It might be worth looking into. I’ll pause here. I have so much to say on the subject, it would probably take a week to convey it all. In closing, I would like to say that I harbor no resentment against any First Lady I’ve come in contact with. I’m simply the musician’s wife that just happened to get more than an earful on all things church related; most of the time the subject was, “Beware the First Lady.”

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Prayer for Jay

To God Be the Glory! I know I’m not the only one that was saddened to hear about the medical problems of Brother James Dewees last week. But, God is Good. My son was a little saddened as well. He’s never met Jay, but he hears his music. Jay’s first CD is my pick-me-up and meditation music. I pray that God’s perfect will be done in Jay’s life. That’s all we should pray for really. You see, I’ve heard many people want to pray for different things when it comes to someone else’s situation: but, what you pray for, may not be God’s perfect will. Thus, praying for HIS perfect will is all that is needed to pray.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why Pray?

My brother in law Calvin gave my husband and I a book a little over 10 years ago, I think it was called ‘The Essence of Praise.” I don’t know where it is today. I found it so interesting; I think I read it in a couple of hours. In the book, the author talked about his prayer life. He told the story about how he would pray the same time every day; he would pray the same prayer out loud. One day, his wife interrupted him, and asked him if he got anything out of his prayers. She made the point that, if you go down in prayer and come up the same way, what was the point. Prayer should be a connection with God, of whom you are praying to. But, if you don’t gain anything or feel any better coming up as you did going down, then what was the point?
So one day, this man decided to get on his knees and just shout the highest praise, ‘Hallelujah’, over and over again. He said he began to get tired and yawn. Nothing happened. Soon he began to get angry because nothing was happening...........eventually, when he really got fed up, he said he wouldn’t get up, until God anointed him or until he got his connection with God. That’s when he had a break through. The Lord met him, when he gave up trying himself and just surrendered to God, he then lost himself in the worship of ‘Hallelujah’ until God took over his tongue and he began to ‘speak in tongues.’ When he finally got up from prayer this time, he felt different, happier, and I guess what you would describe as a very peaceful calm.
From then on, he began his time with God, worshipping. Now, he actually looks forward to this time even more.
That’s how time with God should be. We should always expect a connection.
The day I spoke in tongues for the first time was the happiest day in my life. The second happiest day in my life wasn’t until my son Jeffrey was born. Then Elysia and then Kenya.
Now, I have a happiest time in my life, quite often. It’s when I connect with God. I love prayer time, because I get to release all my burdens, and not through words but through worship.
I’ve learned that when you go before our Father, praising Him and thanking Him, instead of asking for things, you rise up refreshed and invigorated.
That book helped me develop a healthy prayer life. I was one of those people that prayed to ask for things.
Now, I pray to connect with God. Its what my kids call ‘mommy and me time’. It’s my time with my Father!
Have a great day everyone, and don’t forget to Pray-ise!!!