Saturday, December 10, 2011

Who's Minding the Store?

I don’t know about you, but I was a huge fan of Jerry Lewis in the late 70’s and 80’s. My favorite movie that he starred in is, “Who’s Minding the Store.” Jerry Lewis did every thing he could to be the best employee. Despite his tenacity, eagerness to do his best, he still fumbled miserably. You should check it out; it’ll have you laughing.
I got a text from one of my sisters this morning, telling me that she wouldn’t be able to help me out today. I wasn’t surprised at the news because I’d heard that the church she attends had called an all day shut-in for its members. I cannot begin to convey how heated I got inside at the thought that an entire congregation is going to be shut in for the entire day to pray, meditate, etc. I know you are thinking that a shut in for saints is something that could be beneficial for the church: I take no issue with days of shut in, be it at the church or your house. My issue is, when you are saved for service, someone should be left to actually serve.
I told someone once, with the exception of having a mobility van, I can’t think of anything else I need. That’s how it’s supposed to be. God promised to supply our every need. However, I realized, I do have one very severe lack, that is with help. When you are in need and have to go through social services, you sometimes get asked about family; do you have family in Columbia? Yes. Do they know about your needs? Yes. Are they in a position to help out financially or physically? Yes, some of them are. Then why don’t they? My answer is I don’t know.
My point is this, if you have a membership of 25 in your church, at least 5 of them should be excused from such a sacrifice of the church, to be available to minister to the needs of the remaining body of Christ; the remainder of God’s army, the wounded. It should be something that the Pastor at least should consider.
Who’s minding the store? When you have your shut-ins, and revivals, a women’s day (a joke!), and your men’s day and your special dedication services, and your 24 hr. prayer days and your women’s conferences and your men’s conferences…who’s minding the store?
Who’s actually working in the vineyard, if you’re going to church all the time? I think we are going to church too much, and not working enough. How can all this church going, and sacrifices and prayers and fasting be of any benefit to the body of Christ if only those that are able to come to church are provided for? Jesus, WE WERE SAVED, TO SERVE!!!
I stated it before, if we joined Uncle Sam’s army, we would have to serve in the capacity that the leaders felt necessary, right? What profit would it do this country if our military just walked around in uniforms and gave their allegiances to the flag and honored the presidents, and acknowledged the accomplishments of everyone that was excelling in some capacity? What good would their service be for if when they heard of a threat or war, they simply said, well it’s not a good time for our military because we are having a service to honor our President. It’s not convenient. 5 million soldiers have to be in attendance to honor our Leader! No, that’s preposterous! A good Leader would say, leave some here to protect us, but the remainder of you go and protect the weak, the one’s that can’t fight for themselves.
There is so much lack in the Army of the Lord. Please Pastors, Preachers, Ministers and Teachers, listen, the word of God was centuries ahead of our time, but so relevant for today when it said, “…the harvest, truly is ripe, but the laborers are few.”
I will tell you this, I will never join a church assembly that is comfortable knowing I’m suffering, laying, or dying in the street but steps over me to go to CHURCH!

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