Friday, December 30, 2011

Will You Hug an Addict Today?

We are his people, the sheep of his pastures. What does that statement mean to you? To me, it sounds very special. We often walk around like we don’t have any other duties in this present world. Why? Because we’ve been baptized in Jesus name and we’ve received the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as the spirit gave utterance. Now we are happy in Jesus, Hallelujah, we are going to heaven; we can just sit here until Jesus comes.
But…. we are not done. Now is when the ‘real’ work begins. My topic focus today is about the way some churches treat addicts, recovering and present.
I don’t think that most addicts want to actually be addicts. There is an unfortunate thing that happens when you try a drug for the first time. Especially when you have taken your eyes off Jesus and are in search of something else to fill your void or soothe the pain in your life. The reaction that follows is all about body chemistry. If your body chemistry can’t handle the mix, then you become addicted, it not, you usually walk away because the reaction your body has is so upsetting you say, “I don’t want to try that again.”
For those of us that had a body chemistry blend happen as a result of trying a drug, we become an addict to that drug. I know, I tried a drug one day, to me innocently and instantly became addicted. It was over the counter, other people take it all the time, but the chemistry reaction my body had with the drug, caused a sensation in me that made me zone out. It also put me to sleep for hours. I loved how zoned out from the world I felt. I had kept my problems at bay. Now I wanted it again, immediately because my problem was in my face all the time and I didn’t want to face it, so that drug was the way to fix it. I believe it took me about 5 years to wean myself away from that drug. I thank my God that He delivered me from this drug and my uncomfortable circumstances.
We have so many people hurt in the church-world, and they feel like they can’t turn to anyone, because no one would listen or because the spirits of judgment and ridicule bombarded them. When someone comes to you for help, its time to stop giving them that same old, oh you just need to trust in God, you are struggling because you just want to be rebellious.
Addiction usually happens as a result of a void a person feels, or something very painful that they feel helpless as a result of that pain; not just because they woke up one morning and said, gee I wish I were an addict.
In the church, we have lots of addicts: drug addicts, sexual addicts, food addicts, etc.
How do we treat addicts we know are addicts? For instance, when a saved man or woman of God becomes an addict and gets into trouble, ends up on the wrong side of the law and goes to jail. Do we visit them? Or do we say he got what he deserves. When its time for that person to get out of prison, are a band of brothers and sisters waiting at the gate so they can see the love of Jesus staring them in the face? Or do you here about their release and wonder how long it will be before they get in trouble again.
We are his people, the sheep of His pastures; we need to start representing Jesus Christ more and not our own selves. If Jesus still walked the earth, would he be at that gate when the saved prisoner was released? And if he couldn’t be there as the prisoner is released, He most certainly would be there to see Him later that day, to show Him love and let Him know that He doesn’t have to suffer alone anymore because He had his back. God would be His real friend. Can you imagine the success rate of an addict prospering if He was received as if He did nothing wrong. If the saints rallied around to welcome him home. Holding a feast for him, giving him words of encouragement. Letting him know that you will be there to encourage him. Letting him know that if he needs to talk, you are a phone call away. What a difference it would make in his or her life.
Lets stop pretending that we are perfect. Lets stop judging people when they fall. Lets start receiving a brother that has fallen and appears to want to be reunited with our God, lets treat him as we should; As a brother, in the spirit of love. Lets love on them, a lot. Will you hug and help an addict today?

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